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Image by Jorge Vasconez

About Sierra Jade 

Sierra Jade Ebright

 Owner of Conscious Current, LLC

Yoga has changed my life. I was first recommended to take a yoga class when I was a teenager, a therapist thought it would help me ease anxiety and symptoms of PTSD. Flash forward to the present day, I am dedicated to sharing yoga with anyone interested in learning. Beneath the asana practice so much more is going on, yoga philosophy offers a new way of living and looking at the world. Yoga is the secret sauce that aids the madness of the mind, and my goal as owner of Conscious Current is to help others develop tools based on the fundamentals of the eight limbs of yoga, and beyond, so that they can experience a life of unity with themselves and others. We are all healers, creators, alchemists, and builders disguised by our struggles; and the world needs more strong-hearted yogi's to serve Mother Earth and God's divine creatures. 

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